Rights Respecting School Council 2023/24
Dundonald Primary School is proud to be a Gold "Rights Respecting School". This is the highest award given to schools by UNICEF,a leading organisation for children and their rights. This means that we have embedded children's rights in our school's practice and ethos. We put children's rights at the heart of our school. We work along side Unicef to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.
Our Rights Respecting School Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.
Each class,as you can see below, develops their own Class Charter which sets out the rights respecting actions expected for everybody in the class in order to protect the rights of the people in the class.We have developed playground, assembly, dining hall rights charters so that expectations are clear and consistent.
Our Rights Council is elected annually by the pupils in each class.The pulip voice is paramount at Dundonald Primary School reflecting every child's right to have their voice heard. We have a range of councils on which children serve and represent their class facilitating their voice.
Our Rights Respecting Council Members are a group of children from across the school who work to ensure that all members of our school community are made aware of the rights afforded to them through UNCRC. They also ensure that DPS respect the rights of others, making our school a happier, safer and more respectful place to learn and work.
A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children's rights, but also models rights and respect in all its relationships between adults and children, between children themselves, and between adults themselves.
The councils have sold reindeer food and american cookies as a means of fundraising to sponsor Cyrus living in Kenya to attend school through the charity Actions Not Words.
As part of our positive behaviour policy, at the beginning of each year our pupils work together with their teacher to decide upon their class charter. Have a look at a few examples of our chapters below ranging from Nursery to P7.