Dundonald Primary School 'Together we...Inspire, Believe, Achieve'

PremAware School

PremAware School

We are delighted to be the first school in Northern Ireland to be awarded the 'PremAware' Award for schools.  This award is led by TinyLife in partnership with Smallest Things, both charities working to support families and children born prematurely.  All our staff have completed the PRISM award training and we know that this will be an extra layer of support we can offer to our families.  


"Here at Dundonald Primary School, we are always looking at ways to support our pupils and their families. The PRISM training was a way for us as a staff to increase our knowledge of the potential impact of pre term birth and offer us the expertise to not only support our pupils but their families too. We are aware that not all children born prematurely will have additional needs but we hope our families will feel reassured knowing that all our staff have completed the training and will be able to put strategies in place to support their child with any additional needs identified."
