At Dundonald Primary School and Nursery Unit, we support a number of different charities and hold charity events over the academic year. Guest speakers from the charity will, when possible, come and speak to the students to give them a better understanding of the work the charity does.
Thanks to the enormous generosity of our children and parents, we raise an incredible amount of money each year. We are fully committed to supporting local charities and in recent years we have been delighted to support numerous charities, nominated by our pupils and reflecting the needs of our school community.
As the first school in Northern ireland to receive the PRISM award we were delighted to recognise the achievements of one of our P2 pupils who climbed the 7 highest peaks in the Mournes raising an impressive £1281.
As part of Anti Bullying week, we celebrated this year's theme and completed Acts fo Kindess during the week as well as celebrating and discussing kindness within school, home and our wider school community.
As part of our Kindness week, staff and pupils took part in Odd Socks Day. It was a fun way to embrace all that is different about themselves and their peers.