Dundonald Learning Community
For over a decade we have been working together with all of the schools in the Dundonald Area on various joint projects to enhance the pupil's experiences and share our learning. The other schools involved are Brooklands Primary School, Tor Bank Special School, Longstone Special School and Dundonald High School.
Yearly joint programmes include:
The inclusion of our special schools and their specialist expertise has enabled our school staff to be trained in various programmes such as social skills, which continues to be an integral part of the pastoral we provide.
In the past we took part in a joint project, which in fact was four years in its completion was linking the schools with our extended local community. In this project, we worked closely with the South Eastern Trust in developing the Signature Art Installation for the new critical care unit at the Ulster Hospital. The focus of the piece originated from the fact Tor Bank and ourselves had already been recognised as Rights Respecting Schools and all 2000 plus pupils had input.The artist undertaking the commission was Kevin Killen a highly respected sculptor based in Northern Ireland who has worked on similar community projects.Our pupils had an opportunity to work with Kevin throughout the project and celebrate its completion just in time for the opening of the new critical care block..
The unveiling of the Dundonald Learning Community Art Installation at the Ulster Hospital.