Dundonald Primary School 'Together we...Inspire, Believe, Achieve'

Learning Support

Gifted and Talented

The aim is to challenge children in Literacy and Numeracy who are achieving or have the potential to achieve at a level substantially beyond their peer group. Mr McKane and Mrs Coulter are currently working with these bright young sparks.



Step Up To Literacy                                                

Realising the importance of ensuring our pupils not only achieve high standards but ensure they are reaching their full potential we link with Stranmillis University College and over the last 5 years have appointed a Newly Qualified Teacher as an Intern to work specifically with pupils identified,from rigorous data analysis, as not reaching their full potential in Literacy.


Working in partnership with parents is key to a child's success so in addition to working with the pupils an important focus of the Step Up to Literacy After School club is held once a week when parents and pupils work together on targeted literacy areas.


Learning Support

The progress of all children will be closely monitored throughout their time in our school.  When specific needs are identified, appropriate educational programmes are written.  This may be followed by input from our Learning Support teachers in Literacy and/or Numeracy.  Additional Reading support may be provided through our Reading Partnership Programme.  If necessary, additional support or advice will be requested from appropriate outside agencies.  The school's learning support team, led by the Coordinator, will endeavour to achieve early identification and provision for children who experience aspects of special educational needs.  At all stages, parents will be fully informed and consulted.



English as an Additional Language

At Dundonald Primary School and Nursery Unit, we celebrate cultural diversity at its best and frequently welcome newcomer families from around the globe. We currently have pupils attending school who speak a range of 15 different languages. We support our newcomer pupils in line with the Common Framework of Reference(CEFR) by providing language support which initially focuses on helping the child as he/she adapts to living in a different country. Teachers carefully plan in line with the CEFR targets set and can avail of additional in class or withdrawal support until the pupil can fully access the curriculum.


In addition to the support for pupils, English classes for parents are held when the need is identified. At times groups of parents will meet informally with the appropriate school staff to guide them how best to support their child.




This is a group of our Mandarin speaking Parents meeting with Mrs Stevenson VP and Rebecca our Mandarin teacher. The parents value the opportunity to meet informally like this when they can have their questions answered and aspects of the curriculum explained to them in Mandarin. 
