“The quality of the arrangements for the pastoral care provision in the school and nursery unit is very good. The holistic development of each child is central to the ethos and work of the school.”
(Education Training Inspector, 2013)
Pastoral Care is at the heart of everything we do in Dundonald Primary School. We want your child to feel safe, happy and content in school.
We believe that effective Pastoral Care must be supported by effective cooperation and communication between home and school. It is, therefore, vital that we are informed of any changes in circumstances that may affect your child. This will allow us to support you and your child.
The relationship between teacher and child is at the heart of Dundonald Primary School's approach to Pastoral Care. Our aim is to ensure that each child is happy, contented and working to their full potential in school.
Staff and volunteers are fully aware of our safeguarding and child protection procedures and are trained in the appropriate procedures and actions to be taken if any safeguarding concerns arise.
Principal - Mr D Massey
Designated Teacher for Child Protection - Mrs S Burns - Vice-Principal
Deputy Designated Teacher/s for Child Protection - Mrs M Savage - Learning Support Coordinator
Mrs K McConaghy - Nursery Teacher
Chair of Governors- Mr G Ennis
Safeguarding Governor - Mrs P Neill
Derrytrasna Award
In Dundonald Primary School and Nursery Unit the welfare of our pupils is paramount and we endeavour to offer the best possible care and support to everyone who needs it. We recognise how critical a child’s emotional health and well being is to their all-round development in order to achieve their full academic potential. To be nominated and win an award such as the Derrytrasna Award for exceptional pastoral care was very humbling and a great honour to be recognised for what comes naturally as part of our day to day work.
The Derrytrasna Award is presented by the Department of Education and the Public Health Agency to schools who have demonstrated exceptional pastoral care in supporting the emotional health and well being of pupils and their families.
Dundonald Primary School was chosen as the primary winner from 350 schools nominated.