Dundonald Primary School 'Together we...Inspire, Believe, Achieve'

Our School Day

Drop Off & Pick Ups from  September 2023



ClassStart TimeDrop Off LocationPick Up TimePick Up Location


8.50 am Pencil Gates1.50 pmPencil Gates


8.50 am P2 door - last green door on left side of the main building 1.50 pmP2 Door


8.50 am P3 door - accessed via inner playground (through pencil gates)

1.50 pm Tues & Thurs and Friday

2.50 pm Mon & Wed


P3 door on the left of the building 


8.50 am P4 door

2.55 pm Mon - Thurs

2.30 pm Friday 

P4 door on the left of the building 


8.50 am P5 door

2.55 pm Mon - Thurs

2.30 pm Friday 

P5 door


8.50 am P6 door

3.00 pm

Friday 2.30 pm

P6 door


8.50 am P7 door

3.00 pm

Friday 2.30 pm

Pencil gates





School Dinners

School dinners are available from the school canteen at a price of £2.60 per day.  Please pay through school money app and remember bookings need to be made the night before.  Free school meals still need to be booked via the school app to ensure we have accurate dinner numbers for the canteen.



Help and Support for Families

Please note that parents may apply for a uniform grant or free school meals by checking eligibility in the weblink below.


