Dundonald Primary School 'Together we...Inspire, Believe, Achieve'


Information and Communication Technology

The curriculum requirements for Using ICT are set out under the 5 "E's: Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit. These apply to all pupils in primary school from Primary 1 to Primary 7. In school, pupils develop skills in each of these areas through the use of digital tools. Internet safety and the importance of keeping themselves safe online is discussed in an age-appropriate manner, through a range of activities in every year group including visits from specialists in on line safety from leading IT companies and the PSNI.

In school pupils have access to a range of technology to further develop their ICT skills. We have a fully equipped ICT suite available for all the classes to use on a weekly basis. Primary 7 pupils put their excellent ICT skills to great use by becoming buddies to P1 and P2 pupils, assisting them when they are using the computers in the ICT suite. In every classroom, we have interactive whiteboards to help make learning more hands-on and engaging for pupils. Every class also has a set of iPads to further enhance teaching and learning through ICT. The iPads are a key asset in promoting cross-curricular learning throughout the school, with pupils demonstrating creativity in Literacy, Numeracy and World Around Us through the use of apps such as Book Creator, Pic Collage, Green Screen and iMovie.


Due to the technological world pupils are currently living in we aim to provide them with vital ICT skills to enhance their learning and to develop their confidence in using a range of digital technology for the future. This year we have extended the teaching of Coding skills in each year group. In Foundation stage pupils have planned instructions to make a Beebot move, in KS1 the use of Scratch helps to build on these skills of sequencing instructions and in KS2 we have experimented with using HTML code to build a website homepage .

Both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils complete IT based tasks in line with CCEA levels of progression .



Digital Leaders 2020/2021





   Primary 5 - Jacob, Zak, Holly,  Jake


  Primary 6 - Gracie, Lois, Olivia, Dylan, Lucy


  Primary 7-  James, Nellie, Cameron, Carter, Zach
